[EN] Video Transcript

The conclusions of the Anna Lindh survey, on the perceptions of societies in the Euro Mediterranean area of ​​the role played by women in various political, economic, social and cultural spheres. We face different perceptions. Even if the weight of the gender norm is still operative in the life of these societies. 

At the regional level, first of all, the region appears as a moving border area that is not very watertight, even if globally two geographical groups emerge. The dividing line between these two groups is not efficient at all levels. Within the same group differentiations are also visible. 

The clear demarcation between Europe and the South and East of the Mediterranean is not obvious and not a constant. The perception is almost identical. As you have an economic role of very sustained lighthouses. The region of Europe is not always the best placed in all areas. The perception of the social and cultural role of women, but in front of piles of the south and the east of the Mediterranean. In the social and cultural fields.

 As for the reduction in the role of women, the gaps are widened with a clear dividing line between Europe on one side and the southern region and the eastern Mediterranean on the other side. A singular example emerges from all of this. That of Tunisia.

 A clear distinction for a stronger participation of women in Tunisia which appears through the perception of men and women at the same time. At the top of the list, Tunisia comes with almost 30% in favor of the participation of women in the economic field. It also tops the list with 71% for a more important role of women in the cultural and social field. Also in the lead, Tunisia comes with its conflicts for its support for the participation of women in politics. 

It is not clear where we are in front of a Tunisian singularity, a singularity despite the fragilities of the post-revolutionary context marked by an economic crisis and the rise of Islamism and violent extremism. 

Since its independence, Tunisia has adopted progressive legislation even if until today the gap still persists between existing laws and mentalities that still discriminate against women. The context of the transition has certainly consolidated the emancipatory orientation inaugurated by the personal status code set up on August 13, 1956 by the leader and first president Habib Bourguiba. 

New laws have been adopted today in this post-revolutionary period, and which further advance this state of affairs is emancipatory for women. the law on electoral parity vertical parity on electoral lists for legislative elections and vertical and horizontal parity for municipal elections. local. Another very important step in this post-revolutionary context is the constitutionalization of equality. 

The Tunisian constitution the new scene from January 2014 to or to create articles hence the article of a renewed constitutionalization of equality. In addition, Tunisia in July 2017 passed a comprehensive progressive law against all violence against women this in addition to the opinion of the Tunisian government which all the reservations made to the international convention against all forms of violence against women. 

These conclusions of this great that the depth of the change of the status and the role of women effectively since the independence lob Tunisia has really advanced Giant steps but with solid bases in gender equality even if discrimination remains still on or at the level of certain laws. In particular, materializing in the gap between the law and the emancipatory legislation, the practice which remains marred by a Conservative mentality and dominated a little somewhere especially in certain circles by the patriarchal mentality. 

To retain from the study globally, first the effective participation of women in public life is closely linked to their socio-economic and cultural situation. As women are economically autonomous, they are equipped to play a greater role.

Then the traditional structure certainly constitutes an obstacle to a more sustained participation of women in the public and private spheres, but this obstacle is equal to being to go back a little through activism and civil society through the intervention of the powers as well. public. Then the importance of the power of women to transform societies and mentalities more effectively, and we have in current post-revolutionary Tunisia a very visible example of the weight and impact that women are playing on the social situation. and politics. 

Then the importance of the role of the cut in social change, which is why we must not at all neglect this aspect of culture and its impact on social change. negative perceptions of each other thus prevent peaceful and constructive intercultural dialogue and this survey is of a rather elegant example is instructive for us.

Modifié le: mardi 26 octobre 2021, 18:16