[EN] Video Transcripts

In this unit, the focus is on what key values, out of six presented, parents on both sides of the Mediterranean consider very important when raising their children. European respondents selected respect for other cultures at 63%, and family solidarity at 49%, as the most important. Respondents in the southern and eastern Mediterranean identified religious beliefs and practices at 61%, obedience 43%, and family solidarity at 39%, respectively.

Let’s take a closer look at our experts’ comments on these results.

Commenting on the value differences revealed by the Survey between the two shores of the Mediterranean regarding post-modern and traditional values, Nayla Tabbara notes: “…There is a need to take into consideration the cultural gap between both secular and religious frames of reference and  between a focus on society as a whole and on values of public life (respect of diversity) on the one hand, and a focus on the communal identity and its preservation, and safeguarding its values, on the other….” 

Mohamed Tozy believes that the decrease in religious practice in Europe is correlated to respect for other cultures as a progressive value; the growing place of religious values in southern and eastern Mediterranean countries goes along with celebrating obedience as a central value.

Finally, though differences between the North and the South are clearly drawn throughout the Survey, Nabil Fahmy and Emilia Valsta caution the avoidance of over-generalization, stressing that perceptions may differ between urban and rural populations, which may tend to be more conservative in both regions. Moreover, country-specific answers could in fact differ greatly within southern and eastern Mediterranean countries that often have subtle nuances in their worldviews due to their respective socio-political and economic circumstances. In addition, class structure and differing levels of inequality may play a role – for example, Palestinian and Tunisian respondents were often found on the opposite sides of the scale in terms of answers.

Femke De Keulenaer underlines that in Austria, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal, respect for other cultures was the first- or second-highest value, with percentages between 64% and 71%; while in Poland, Croatia and Finland family solidarity was ranked higher at between 57% and 62%.