[EN] Introduction to Module 2

How do we raise children? What values would we like to pass on?
  • In the first unit, we will look at the key values parents on both sides of the Mediterranean consider very important when raising their children. The perspectives of the experts on the findings will shed light on the variety of worldviews in diverse socio-political and economic circumstances.
  • In the second unit, we will review the expected role of women in the Mediterranean region in three main domains: economic and business life, political decision-making, and cultural and social life, observing the rates of men in favour of a greater role for women and the possibilities for the empowerment of women.
  • In the third unit, we’ll take an in-depth look at how media reporting shapes societies’ perceptions by taking a closer look at our experts’ comments on media and mutual perceptions, and on the impact of news content and media in relation to recent events in the region.
  • Finally, in the fourth unit, and following up on the previous one, we will explore the information sources people use and why they choose these.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, after reviewing the findings observed in the Intercultural Trends Survey through scholars’ and practitioners’ incisive insights capturing intercultural tendencies in the Euro-Mediterranean region, you will be capable of:
  • Understand which values are most important for people living around the Mediterranean basin.
  • Comprehend how these values are taught.
  • Understand how the role of women is perceived; and how it should change in terms of involvement in the public life.
  • Recognise how media reporting shapes societies’ perceptions, and the impact of news content and media.
  • Comprehend how and why information sources are chosen by people.  

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 October 2021, 5:50 PM