[EN] Video Transcript

In terms of potential gains from the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, the majority of respondents in both country groups reaffirmed, like in the previous Surveys, their strong conviction that reinforced cooperation would result in positive societal gains. Respondents from European and southern and eastern Mediterranean countries consider that cooperation can create new opportunities for education and training, at 84% and 88% respectively; for entrepreneurship, innovation and youth employment, 82% and 88% respectively.

Let’s take a closer look at our experts’ comments on reinforced regional cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Abdelrahman Aldaqqah advocates for a multi-stakeholder approach for the future of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, including governments, youth organizations and civil society to be “an integrated part of a comprehensive policy targeting the international, regional and local levels to promote regional dialogue and cultural understanding.”

Commenting on the views of French respondents, Taynja Abdel Baghy highlights that since 2009, the level of interest in the Euro-Mediterranean region has been sustained and people are in favour of the European Neighbourhood Policy. Between 44 and 52% strongly believe that cooperation can bring gains for  entrepreneurship, innovation, youth employment, education, training, support for NGOs and civil society organisations, and prevention of extremism. Along the same line, Khalid Chaouki observes “….an important increase among Italians in the belief that the Euro-Mediterranean project can bring gains to the populations in the region”, especially in relation to the promotion of more gender equality, education opportunities and respect for cultural diversity and prevention of radicalization.

Offering a different perspective, Konrad Pedziwiatr comments that in Poland, only one-in-three saw substantial benefits from Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, in direct contradiction to other European countries, when it came to educational, environmental, cultural or business domains. He further notes that this can be partially due to Poland’s geography and geopolitical position, as well as to the recent nationalistic and patriotic movement. Underlining the link between issues directly affecting the country and gains from regional cooperation, Mustapha Tabba and Nedal Almasri underscored the Jordanian open-minded view with 74% believing that a fair response to the refugee crisis is among the gains from ENP cooperation.