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    • APPRAIS MOOC: Governance, quality assurance and Bologna process implementation

    • Introduction to the course and how to undetake the learning journey

    • Overview

      The APPRAIS MOOC is part of the process of empowering Kurdish universities to implement the Bologna Process and set the basis for the definition of their own institutional strategic plans. The course is designed to provide training modules on selected topics related to the definition and implementation of Bologna process in the Kurdish universities, providing the competences and knowledge to facilitate reforming processes related to the improvement of university governance and the implementation of transformative practices at Kurdish universities.

      The course can contribute to defining a knowledge-base for the definition of innovative strategies for institutional development.

      The course is composed of six modules, which explore different aspects related to governance, the design of the study programs (learning outcomes, student workload, and the European Credit Transfer System), recognition of credits, learning mobility, and internal and external quality assurance. All the European partners, under the overall guidance of the WP4 coordinator, University of Murcia, and the co-leader, University of Zakho, contribute to the MOOC by sharing their own experience, good practices, and knowledge, providing an overall view about the principles of the Bologna Process as it was implemented in their HEIs. 

      The full training was delivered from December 2022 (general introduction to the MOOC) until March 2023.

      The MOOC is designed for a total duration of 10 weeks: 15 hours of synchronous learning and 60 hours of self-learning. 

      After the piloting phase involving the Kurdish partner universities and Ministerial staff, the course is now openly accessible to learners in different formats and platforms. 

      MOOC materials are available in English, with some resources also available in Kurdish.

    • Learning outcomes

      The general aim of the APPRAIS MOOC is to provide training modules on selected topics related to the definition and implementation of the Bologna Process, drawing from the examples of Europen universities to implement changes in Kurdish universities. Specifically, once the MOOC is completed, Kurdish staff members will be able:

      • To know the governance procedures in the EU universities
      • To know how to perform strategic planning at the university level
      • To know how the Bologna process is / can be implemented in universities
      • To Identify the European Qualifications Framework and use ECTS
      • To describe the Learning Outcomes of study programs
      • To implement External and Internal Quality Assurance practices
      • To implement learning mobility and design procedures to promote internationalization
    • How to use the course 

      The APPRAIS MOOC is made available as an entire course, as well as each module as a standalone unit of content, and is made openly accessible through the APPRAIS project website and the UNIMED learning platform, so that any learner can use content according to his/her own needs and learning rythm.

      The course is designed as a learning journey, where trainees can navigate through 6 modules and the many materials available (videos, readings and activities). Each module is designed with a blended methodology, including concrete examples and case-studies. The open version of the APPRAIS course is meant for self-directed learning. Learners are encouraged to take the full course for completeness, and make the best use of the learning resources available to them, to replicate the learning approach of the project.

      Modules shall be followed in the provided order. For each module, we encourage learners to start by consulting the preliminary provided resources, then watching the lecture recorded, and finally consulting the additional resources for completeness. During the first delivery of the course, sessions dedicated to Q&A have also been arranged, and they can be helping in clarifying doubts, together with the FAQ document.

  • Module 1: Governance and accountability and strategic planning

  • Module 2: Learning outcomes

  • Module 3: European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and credits recognition

  • Module 4: External Quality Assurance

  • Module 5: Internal Quality Assurance

  • Module 6: Learning mobility

  • MOOC Questions & Answers