This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) aims to provide basic knowledge on the importance and principles of food safety for society, with a focus on the analysis of Mediterranean food systems and the Mediterranean diet. It is an interdisciplinary course that explores various perspectives on food studies, emphasising history, health, and risk assessment in the food industry, as well as the development of strategies to promote innovative and sustainable food systems.
The course is structured in three thematic modules dealing with: Mediterranean Diet and Sustainable Food Systems, Food and Health, and Food Safety and Risk Assessment. It is an introductory course, meant for every citizen, with an estimated time effort of 25 to 30 hours. During the MOOC, the trainee is expected to watch the videos and learn the content, watch the interviews with experts, read and analyse the selected texts, and answer the quizzes at the end of each individual module or unit. Upon completion of the whole MOOC, you may receive a learning certificate.
It was designed within the framework of the FoSaMed project, an ERASMUS+ project dedicated to Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean (618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).