This training is part of the project RAISD - Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. RAISD addresses the need for effective strategies for the attention and inclusion of distinctively Vulnerable Groups among Forcibly Displaced People. Its overall objective is to identify these groups, their specific challenges and needs, to be able to discover and provide Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAISs) for them.
This training has been designed to build capacity of the staff working at the ARUs and committed to implement the TAISs for selected vulnerable groups. Due to the wide variety of needs and backgrounds across the ARUs , the training is intended to support participants to gain knowledge and skills on a wide range of topics that they might need in their path towards innovative attention and inclusion strategies, tailored upon the vulnerability context in which they operate. Taking part in the online course will also be the occasion to strengthen the capacities of learners on the use of digital communication tools and virtual learning platforms.