The TeachersMOD MOOC is an online training course, hosted in the UNIMED learning platform, with the aim to capitalize all the training activities performed in the framework of the project and to guarantee the efficacy and sustainability of the training.

The MOOC will be a training tool for Kurdish colleagues to enhance the capacity of educators in the Colleges of Basic Education. 

Develop knowledge, capacities, and skills for the management in the universities. The focus will be on university governance and university management.

  1. An Ideia of University
  2. University general concepts
  3. The university general mission areas: the four pillars
  4. Management process of the University pillars:

4.1.       Strategy focus

4.2.       Administrative focus

4.3.       Process management

The organisational development system:

5.1.       Leadership

5.2.       Academic Culture

5.3.       Governance structure model

6.    Management system:

6.1.       Human resources management

6.2.       Financial management

6.3.       Quality management

6.4.       Information system management